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If you are planning to travel to Australia, either for temporary reasons or intend to permanently migrate to Australia, you will need to make a visa application and obtain an appropriate Australian immigration visa before you can lawfully enter Australia. We at Australian Migration Office fully understand that the successful completion & lodgement of your application is important to you. We are available to answer your concerns or queries and keep you up to date on the progress of your application.

You will receive professional service provided by people who personally experienced the migration process and who understand the need for a quality & personalised service. We deal with a range of visa categories. Our range of services include assisting people in obtaining temporary and permanent visas.

To best discribe the whole process of a visa application, we have made 4 sections:
  1. Consult with you about your choice of visa
  2. Advise about a visa application or visa matter
  3. Help you prepare a visa application
  4. Represent you before the Department of Immigration
As a whole, we can provide the following services to you:
  • Provide a preliminary assessment on your eligibility for the Australian visa;
  • We be frank and candid about your prospects of success;
  • Provide you with a written contract, before starting work on your application;
  • Help you determine the best strategy to succeed in your application;
  • Meet and communicate with you as necessary;
  • Give you a list of the documents needed to prepare the application;
  • Advise you if additional documents are required;
  • Prepare your application in the format expected Immigration Authorities including:
    • Write a formal submission illustrating to the Department of Immigration that your application satisfies the requirements of the particular class / subclass of visa that you are applying for;
    • Check that all your answers on the application forms match your documentary evidence and both of these together meet the legal requirements of the class / subclass of visa that you are applying for;
    • Lodge your application for you;
    • Liaise and negotiate with the Immigration Officials on your behalf and supervise the case until the visa decision is made;
    • Follow up your application as required;
  • Tell you of the outcome of your application as soon as we are advised;
  • Ensure that your monies are deposited and held in our clients' account;
  • Advise you regarding the required police clearance and procedure for obtaining medical examinations required by the Immigration Authorities
Costs and Fees

There is no statutory scale of fees for work performed by migration agents. However, you can expect that we will charge a fee that is reasonable in the circumstances of your case. Fees applicable will depend on the services to be performed. Clients will be given written confirmation of the terms of the service to be rendered and the costs.

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